Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Need For Speed: Payback



Here is one for all you car gaming freaks!

I love me a good car game just like the next person and I have been playing Need For Speed since I got my Play Station One some many years ago. 

I love the franchise, but Payback just took it to a whole new level! The story is amazing and the cars are even better. They have everything from old Volvo's right down to the Regera. They crafted the game in such a fantastic way. 

My favorite car in the whole game has to be the R 34 Nissan Skyline GT R V - Spec. You get it as part of the story fully upgraded (keep it, you need it for all the races!) 

The story is split into different chapters and each chapter requires you complete several challenges before you can progress. These challenges are called questlines and completing them unlocks derelicts which need you to find parts to build them. On top of this, completing each questline adds more and more to the story which unfolds the main story.

Some of the crits I have on the game is the fact that the old skool way of upgrading your cars is gone. Instead, you have to win races or go to a shop to buy cards to upgrade the performance of each car. As you progress through each chapter, these cards get more and more expensive and it feels like they do less and less.

Let's talk about graphics. The graphics are amazing when it comes to the car you are driving, but other than that, the graphics are not the best. I mean they are good enough to determine what cars they are (it seems that most traffic is made up out of BMW 1 Series and Vans advertising LG OLED).

There are several side challenges such as drift zones, speed traps, and average speed zones. Each build-up Racer Cred which means that you level up. As far as I can tell racer cred does nothing for you, but I suppose it helps when you are playing online. 

What is my rating?
4 / 5

It would be five out of five if it wasn't for the upgrading of the cars. Bring back the old way of doing it!

Good: Cars and Story
Bad: Upgrading the cars 

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